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We live in an age where you can make money with your knowledge.

Today you can launch a course in 3 days with an internet connection and a hungry market.
​But still, most entrepreneurs don’t take action.

The reason I never took action was because of overwhelming. I need a kick in the ass to get things moving.
​Everything changed when I hired my first mentor.

It was a painful decision. It cost me 2K of my hard-earned money.
​I’ve spent more than 50K on coaching and mentorships.
That investment made me $10M in course sales.

Should you do the same? My advice is yes, but start small.

But if you’re still on the fence, great mentors can be found in the strangest places.
I found one of my teachers during a wedding.

Can you believe it?

Here are 6 lessons I learned that changed my life.


Free business education



One day I was attending a wedding and sitting down next to an older gentleman.
While the rest of the conversations at the table was boring, I started a chat with my old neighbour.

A few minutes in, I discovered that Charles, that’s his name, had built a large real estate company.
My eyes lit up. Now I had the chance to talk about my favourite subject:

Building businesses.

Our conversations went on for over two hours.
I received ten years of business education squeezed into a 2-hour conversation.

I’m about to share the valuable lessons that Charles gave me.

“Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you should have been.”
— David Bowie.

1. Your time is short



Imagine a digital clock that counts backwards from the moment you’re born.
When the timer hits zero, you die.

You might believe that you have all the time in the world.
in reality, you do no know how much time you have left.

One thing is for sure your clock is ticking.

Tic Tac Tic Tac…

So what do you do with this information, you might ask?
Build your business, Follow your dreams and cherish your loved ones.


2. Make your clients happy



As a side hustle, we build and rent villas in Bali.
One day a lovely lady wanted to rent one of our villas.

She is a famous Instagram influencer. So before she arrived, we repainted the whole villa even when it was unnecessary.
​It’s a small thing to do for our team, but she was delighted when she found out that we did that for her.

The result was that she promoted us big time on Instagram.
The Result: more clients.

Threat your clients with kindness. Go that extra mile.
​When you follow this simple rule, your business will grow.
People will be happy.

They will tell their friends. More people will buy.


3. Taking it slowly makes you go faster



Many top entrepreneurs plan time to think in their diary.
You can improve so much when you focus on it in your mind.

Think deeply about your services, and your clients. What can you improve?
Now you can take a 20000 feet bird’s eye view of your business.

You will be amazed at how much you will learn during your flight.
Working hard will get you burned out, but Working smart will make you rich.

Relax more, Plan time to think deeply and enjoy the ride.


4. Make time to talk to the cleaner



Suppose you make it big in business. Stay humble.
Don’t look down on others, and treat everybody equally.

The New Zealand rugby team, The All Blacks, have an ethos to sweep up their shit after the game. It builds character.
​Stay humble and kind. Be grateful for what you have, and focus on helping as many people as possible.

I promise that your life will change.

5. All answers are within




Sometimes you’re stuck. It’s part of the journey.
​You bang your head to find a solution. Often you’re left empty-handed.

Now take a deep breath. Close your eyes and ask the question in your mind.
Be patience. At some point, you will receive an answer.

To facilitate the process of finding answers, within I love to share with you my morning routine:

* After waking up, drink a glass of warm water
* I sit and meditate for 30 minutes.
* Walk my dog Bumi
*1 hour of reading.
* 1 hour of writing.

Just try it!


6. Start now. Think later



Many times we try to think our way to success. ​
​Although you need an idea of a direction, you overthink.

Sometimes it’s fear. Another time it’s doubt. In most cases, it’s in action.
Here is a little procrastination story of mine.

Years ago I was travelling with my friend Sergio in China. We ended up in Shenzen.

Being Dutch, we devised a funny idea to bring fries (patat in Dutch ) to China.
We brainstormed ideas, and we talked a lot about the project.

Like so many things, the project only lived in our heads. We never took action on our cool idea.
​Many years later, i received a phone call from Sergio:

Sergio: ” I have something to tell you. Better you sit down.”
​Me: WTF, Gozer. (Dutch stop word we use all the time)
​Sergio: “Remember Chunkit?”
​Me: Yeah, the guy that helped us with the fast food concept.
​Sergio: He launched our plan and became a millionaire.
​Me: ——— Mother $£%()*^&
​Sergio: We fucked up again.

Our friend Chunkit launched the brand of fast food stores that lived only in our heads.
​A big lesson here is:

Start now and think later!


Time flies when we’re having fun. We are already at the end of the newsletter.
Here is a quick summary of what we’ve covered:

  1. Your time is short.
  2. Make your clients happy.
  3. Taking it slowly makes you go faster.
  4. Make time to talk to the cleaner.
  5. All answers are within.
  6. Start now. Think later.

Now it’s your turn to take action.