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“Are you coming for dinner, Virgil?” My friends asked. “Sorry, fellas, not tonight.” was my reply.

The embarrassment was real.

I didn’t have the money.

That stings when you’re a 39 old grown man.

You see…

Some months, I made thousands of dollars.

In other months, I barely got by.

Do you know the feeling?

If there’s one thing you need, It’s a chilled lifestyle with predictable income.

But what I did next changed my life…

I took my last $2500 and invested it in a course.

With trembling fingers, I punched in my card details.

If this went wrong, I would be bankrupt.

No plan B.

I had everything to lose.

And on the other hand, everything to gain.

But the course changed my life.

I implemented every step without fail.

Money started rolling in.

Different people came into my life.

That’s the power of a network of people who invest in themselves.

They say you are a product of the 5 people in your environment.

Broke people will produce broke people.

You can guess what will happen when you hang around successful people.

I’ve met great business partners.

I invested even more money in myself.

And went on to build a $10M course business.

I’ve learned that investing in yourself will change your life.

Life rewards the ones who take action.

Now, I help others to do the same.

Looking forward to working with you soon.

Virgil ” I love chillin ” Brewster.